The images or the Brotherhood of the Blood are 13 works of imagery and Vera Cruz (maximum symbol of our Brotherhood), which were made from 1942, since the original images were destroyed during the period between 1936 and 1939.

In the only procession of Holy Week that parades all the images is that of the Holy Burial, in the others only a few images appear.

La Soledad parades at sunset on Holy Monday, in the Procession of the Painful Encounter, where he meets the Nazarene in the Plaza Mayor, in an emotional meeting.

In the Procession of Silence, on Holy Wednesday, the Christ of the Good Peace appears next to the Ecce Homo, titular image of our Brotherhood.

On the Ascent to Calvary at dawn on Good Friday alone Jesus “Nazareno” goes up accompanied by the Sayones, the captain of the Sayones and the drum of the Sayones.

Jesús el nazareno. Se le conoce en Sagunto como "El Nazareno"
María Santísima de la Soledad. Cofradía de la Puerísima Sangre